June 8, 2024
5 Ways You Can Help the Ocean this World Oceans Day
Estimated reading time: 0 minutes
BY: Rachelle Naddaf
June 8 is World Oceans Day and we’re celebrating the extraordinary beauty and diversity that the ocean holds. From vibrant coral reefs teeming with life to the mysterious deep-sea, inhabited by unique and little-known species. While this is a day to honour all that the ocean is and provides, it’s also the perfect opportunity to reflect on the importance of it and take steps to protect the ocean and all the creatures that call it home.
Thriving oceans are essential to our economy, our health and our livelihoods. And just as billions of people depend on a healthy ocean, so does our planet.
But this rich biodiversity is under threat. Climate change, plastic pollution, overfishing and habitat destruction are pushing many marine species to the brink of extinction. Saving the ocean can sometimes feel like an overwhelming task, but if we all pitch in, we can make a big difference.
Here are five ways you can help the ocean this World Oceans Day!
5 Ways you can help the ocean
The oceans face a massive and growing threat from plastics. An estimated 15 billion kilograms of plastic pollution floods our marine environment from land-based sources every year — that’s roughly equivalent to dumping two garbage trucks full of plastic into the ocean every minute. And, instead of degrading, plastic breaks up into smaller and smaller pieces that are swallowed by everything from fish and sea turtles to seals and seabirds, many of which are endangered!
We must urge government leaders to pass policies that reduce plastic production and require companies to phase out unnecessary single-use plastic products and ramp up reusable and refillable options. Sign the petition and tell the Canadian government to take action to stop plastic pollution >>
More than 1 million members and activists in over 200 countries have already joined Oceana – the largest international organization dedicated solely to ocean conservation. Together, we’ve won over 300 victories and protected nearly 10 million square kilometers of ocean. But there’s more to be done! As a Wavemaker, your support is critical to our victories and protecting the world’s oceans and we can’t do it without you. Join the community of Wavemakers here >>
Electing public officials and decision makers that support smart ocean policies can help us protect marine life and the ocean. Do your research on candidates and make an informed decision, then exercise your right (and responsibility) to vote. And don’t let election time be the last time they hear from you! Follow up with your candidates and elected officials regularly to remind them of policies you care about.
Around the world, research has shown that children have limited knowledge about the ocean because marine science topics are absent in many school curricula. The ocean is critical to life on Earth. Understanding that at an early age can help kids form connections with the seas and understand the reasons why it’s so important to protect them. Check out our resources for parents and teachers and dive into Oceana Canada’s Marine Life Encyclopedia to learn about marine animals that can be found along the coasts of Canada.
With the help of supporters like you, we can turn the tide and safeguard the future of our oceans! Make a donation in honor of World Oceans Day, and support Oceana Canada’s campaigns to protect the ocean. And for this month only, every $1 donated to Oceana Canada enters us into a draw to win $10,000 as part of Canada Helps’ Great Canadian Giving Challenge! Donate here >>
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