Here’s the Catch: How to Restore Abundance to Canada’s Oceans - Oceana Canada

Report | June, 2016

Here’s the Catch: How to Restore Abundance to Canada’s Oceans


New research reveals the real state of Canada’s fisheries

It’s easy to say that we’ve learned from the mistakes that led to the collapse of Atlantic groundfish and other species. But have we?

To find out, Oceana Canada commissioned renowned fisheries scientists Dr. Julia K. Baum and Dr. Susanna D. Fuller to assess the state of Canada’s fisheries. The resulting report represents the most comprehensive and up-to-date public analysis ever conducted on the state of Canada’s fish. 

We found that although Canada has a long history and diverse culture that connects us to our vast oceans, our fish populations are still severely depleted. Decades after the cod collapse we still have not recovered our ocean abundance. The report also outlines the extent to which overfishing and decades of poor management practices continue to impact Canada’s fish populations.

Some key findings of this report include:

  • Only 24% of Canada’s fish stocks are considered healthy.
  • The health of 45% of Canada’s fish stocks cannot be determined due to a lack of data.
  • Canada’s seafood industry, although economically prosperous, is dependent on a small number of shellfish species. The lack of diversity makes coastal communities and the Canadian seafood industry vulnerable, as communities could have little to fall back on if these stocks decline.

Now, armed with this information, we need to act. Oceana Canada calls on the government and all Canadians to protect and rebuild our nation’s fisheries and the oceans that support them. 

Media contact: Lesley Wilmot, 416.583.2352 (office), 647.535.6326 (cell) or