Statement on the Atlantic Mackerel Rebuilding Plan - Oceana Canada

Statement on the Atlantic Mackerel Rebuilding Plan

Press Release Date: November 11, 2020

“The Atlantic Mackerel rebuilding plan published November 6, 2020, lacks the rigor needed rebuild this depleted stock with high confidence. Specifically, this plan lacks specific targets with timelines for rebuilding to healthy levels. The plan is clear, however, in noting that the stock is unlikely to rebuild out of the critical zone if catches remain near recent levels, indicating that management action in 2021 needs to include a reduced commercial quota if the stock is to have a hope of meeting the objectives of the rebuilding plan.” ~ Dr. Robert Rangeley, Science Director, Oceana Canada 

Reference: DFO, 2020, Rebuilding plan for Atlantic mackerel – NAFO Subareas 3 and 4, accessed Nov. 6, 2020. 

Note: The rebuilding plan for Atlantic Mackerel was released following the data collection cut-off date for Oceana’s 2020 Fishery Audit, which will be published on November 17, 2020 at