Rachelle Naddaf - Oceana Canada

Rachelle Naddaf

Communications and Engagement Manager

Oceana Staff

Rachelle has always found herself pulled by the tides of the sea and is a vehement science communicator. She grew up exploring Ontario’s wilderness and spending summers on the beach at her family cottage in Prince Edward Island. Even as a child, it was quickly apparent to all around her that she was destined to follow a path in marine sciences.

Rachelle continued down this road by pursuing her BSc in Biology from Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, with a strong focus on marine sciences. She also has a certificate in Environmental Impact Assessment and a post-graduate diploma in Sustainable Business Management. She has spent time contributing to the reforestation of Ontario’s northern forests, working as a conservation biologist with Olive Ridley sea turtles in Costa Rica and as an Environmental Educator on Grand Manan Island in New Brunswick.

Rachelle is thrilled to combine her passion for marine biology and science communication in her role with Oceana Canada, inspiring others to foster the same appreciation for the marine realm that she herself possesses. In the chance that you catch her outside of the office, you might find Rachelle in the woods identifying wildflowers, backcountry camping, preparing a plant-based feast, or scoping out the nearest body of water to explore.