Ocean Wellness: The Surprising Benefits of Being Near the Sea - Oceana Canada
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October 10, 2023

Ocean Wellness: The Surprising Benefits of Being Near the Sea

Estimated reading time: 0 minutes


Spencer Watson


The ocean is a powerful force of nature and its beauty has always captivated people. But did you know that being near the ocean can positively affect your wellness? 

Frederic LeBlanc

Here are some of the ways that studies have shown being near the ocean is known to  benefit you: 

  • Reduces stress. The sound of the waves, the smell of the salt air, the blue hues and the vastness of the ocean can all have a calming effect for some people. Spending time in nature is known to lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone. 
  • Improves mood. Being near the ocean can help shift your mindset and boost your mood. Spending time at the beach can also increase your levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in positive mood regulation
Spencer Watson

If you need a refresh, spending time outdoors is a wonderful way to prioritize self-care. So, get outside and to the beach if you live near one and soak up the benefits of being in nature. Your mind will thank you for it. 

Reference list:  

Stressed? Take a 20-minute ‘nature pill’

Science Advances: “Nature and mental health: An ecosystem service perspective.” 

Barcelona Institute for Global Health: “Health Benefits of Blue Spaces During a Pandemic.” 

The impact of nature on creativity

Exercise for Mental Health