Oceana Canada’s Science Symposium - Oceana Canada

Oceana Canada’s Science Symposium


On October 26, 2022, Oceana Canada hosted a symposium, Rebuilding Abundance: Priorities for a Resilient Ocean. The symposium featured conversations with world leading oceans and fishery experts, Indigenous and fishing industry leaders, policy-makers and journalists from across Canada.

Canada has a national and global obligation to manage our ocean resources responsibly and help ensure a sustainable source of protein for the world’s growing population. While there are different views on how to rebuild and safeguard ocean abundance, Oceana Canada firmly believes there is much more that unites the ocean community than separates it. By working collaboratively, we can achieve a better future for the ocean and for those who depend on the plentiful, renewable resources it provides.

 2022 Symposium Report

Hear From Leading Fisheries Experts

Watch a Recap Video From the Symposium Event

To learn more about the state of fisheries in Canada, visit FisheryAudit.ca.

Views symposium  speaker presentations here.