Make Waves

Join the fight to save the oceans and become a Wavemaker

Together, we are unstoppable

We’re all connected to the oceans and our individual actions affect them every single day. Each small action may seem insignificant, like a single drop in the sea. On its own, a drop is just a drop, but when many drops come together, they make waves.

By joining Oceana Canada and becoming a Wavemaker, you’ll be part of a wave of change calling for action on the biggest threats facing the ocean. From stopping plastic pollution and overfishing to saving endangered species like whales, corals and sponges, which can take tens of thousands of years to grow and can be destroyed by human activity in mere moments.

Wavemakers stand with Oceana Canada, adding their voices as we meet with governments and corporations and make saving the ocean possible. Since 2015, this group of dedicated ocean savers has been growing in Canada, connected to a force for change that is building across Oceana in countries around the world. By taking action in Canada, you can create a ripple effect across the world’s oceans.

As a Wavemakers you’ll also receive a monthly email with the latest ocean news and you’ll hear directly from our team in the field, keeping you informed and connected on the ocean issues that matter most. In addition, Wavemakers are the go-to people that Oceana Canada counts on in critical moments of ocean advocacy. We’ll reach out to you first when we need to build strong public support, making a wave of change possible for the oceans.

Join us by clicking here >>

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Oceana Canada needs your support to protect the oceans and sea life.

Oceana Canada

Oceana Canada is rebuilding abundant and biodiverse oceans. We do this by winning science-based policies that stop overfishing, habitat destruction, plastic pollution and the killing of threatened species, working together with passionate ocean advocates, fishers, Indigenous Peoples, academics and the federal government. Our campaigns are delivering results: banning single-use plastics, ending the shark fin trade, making rebuilding depleted fish populations the law and protecting marine habitats. Oceana Canada is an independent charity and part of the largest international advocacy organization focused solely on ocean conservation. A restored ocean means more seafood, thriving coastal communities and healthy ecosystems. Together, we can save the oceans and help feed the world.

Become a Wavemaker today and help us protect the ocean >>