Isabelle Jubinville - Oceana Canada

Isabelle Jubinville

Marine Scientist

Oceana Staff

Isabelle grew up just a stone’s throw from the ocean in Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia. A childhood obsession with sharks and other ocean critters led her to chase a career in marine biology from a young age. Izzy pursued a BScH in Marine Biology at Dalhousie University and found every opportunity to get her feet wet. She spent time protecting sea turtle nests in Costa Rica, surveying coral reefs in the Red Sea and catching and tagging blue sharks off the coast of Nova Scotia.

After some time travelling Europe, Izzy made her way home and began a Master of Science program in Biology at Dalhousie. Under the supervision of Dr. Boris Worm and Dr. Joanna Mills-Fleming, she developed a framework to predict spatial patterns of bycatch to inform management strategies for species at risk, using statistical modelling and species distributions. She is excited to join the Oceana Canada team after defending her thesis and contribute to meaningful ocean conservation projects in Canada.

Izzy lives a few steps from the Halifax Harbour and enjoys getting out into the wilderness and beauty of Nova Scotia. She loves to explore the coasts with her partner and Australian shepherd, Indiana Jones.