April 13, 2023
Leading fisheries experts call for rebuilding
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Canada once had healthy oceans and thriving fisheries, but decades of mismanagement and overfishing have devastated them. We spoke to leading fisheries experts about the importance of rebuilding wild fish; here’s what they had to say.
Key fisheries decisions are being made, determining the health of the oceans and the future of coastal communities that depend on an abundance of marine life.
Now is the moment to call for fisheries rebuilding. Click here to add your name.
This fishing season is different. For the first time in over 150 years, decisions made by the Minister of Fisheries are informed by a newly passed law and regulations. The Fisheries Act outlines Canada’s legal responsibility to rebuild depleted fish populations.
Change is urgently needed. Fewer than one-third of wild fish stocks are considered healthy, and the vast majority of critically depleted stocks lack rebuilding plans to support their recovery. Status quo fisheries management won’t cut it. Too many fish populations languish in a depleted state or are declining. Hear more from the experts.
“We have a global fisheries crisis, the waters are empty, so we have to rebuild.” Dr. Daniel Pauly, Sea Around Us Principal Investigator, Professor of Fisheries at the University of British Columbia
“Fish are so much more than food, fish are connected to who we are as people.” Dr. Andrea Reid, Citizen of the Nisga’a Nation and Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia
“If you let fisheries rebuild, you can have an abundant ocean.” Sam Waterston, Oceana board chair and award-winning actor
” There is more value to fisheries than just dollars.” Sonia Strobel, co-founder and CEO of Skipper Otto, a Community Supported Fishery
“Nature is resilient but only if we make an honest effort.” Ken Paul, member of the Wolastoqey First Nation,
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