An evening celebrating oceans - Oceana Canada
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September 13, 2018

An evening celebrating oceans

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On Tuesday, September 11, Oceana Canada hosted an evening event to celebrate ocean conservation in Canada. Advocates, supporters and colleagues from around the world joined us at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto.

Since Oceana Canada was established three years ago, we’ve seen many big changes in this country. As our Executive Director, Josh Laughren, puts it, “We are at a pivotal moment.” With continued support, we can seize the momentum that has been building towards change in how Canada’s oceans are managed and we can bring them back to health and abundance.

In the last few years, Oceana Canada has helped improve transparency in fisheries management, explored diverse marine habitats and advocated for the rebuilding of fish stocks through an amended Fisheries Act. We have also raised awareness about seafood fraud and the impacts it has on our health, wallets and oceans. We have reached victories and milestones along the way that were only possible because of our supporters and the people who made this evening so special. This is just the beginning, please consider supporting Oceana Canada as we continue to work together to save the oceans and feed the world.

Here are some photos from our evening at the ROM.

Peter Thomson, Diana Thomson, Mary Steenburgen, Ted Danson

Ted Danson, Mary Steenburgen, Peter Thomson

Josh Laughren, Executive Director, Oceana Canada and Andy Sharpless, Chief Executive Officer, Oceana

George Butterfield, Martha Butterfield

George Butterfield, Martha Butterfield

Richard Hamm, Teresa Vasilopoulos, Michael Burns, Sarah Bevan

Richard Hamm, Teresa Vasilopoulos, Michael Burns, Sarah Bevan

Michael Rosenfeld, Gaz Alazraki, Vivian Alazraki, Jena King 

Liz Tory, Elvio DelZotto, Marlene DelZotto

Jacoline Loewen, Randall Howard, Bill Tharp

Jacoline Loewen, Randall Howard, Bill Tharp.

Jennifer Baichwal, Nick De Pencier

Jennifer BAICHWAL Nick De Pencier

Kim Elmslie, Kathryn Hollinrake, Ken Smart

Amy Buskirk, Jackie Savitz

Amy Buskirk and Jackie Savitz

Kate Zeidler, Martha Butterfield, Shuchi Stanger

Kate Zeidler, Martha Butterfield, Shuchi Stanger

David Delagran, Pamela Hillen, Ravindra Conway

Paul Uys, Dr. Robert Rangeley

David Rockefeller, Anthea Case, Peter McCarthy

 Christine Cushing, Kara-Ann Miel, Mary Steenburgen, Jackie Savitz

Sandy Stewart, Kim Elmslie, Titch Dharamsi, Gib Brogan, Brian Stewart

Peter Kendall, Geoff Green, Josh Laughren, Andy Sharpless 

Dr. Daniel Pauly, Nancy Sidamon-Eristoff, Simon Sidamon-Eristoff

Sam Waterston, Michael Burns

Ted Danson, Mary Steenburgen, Andy Sharpless, Josh Laughren 

Photography credit: Oceana/Tom Sandler