Celebrate World Ocean's Day and Learn about the State of Canada’s Oceans - Oceana Canada
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June 8, 2016

Celebrate World Ocean’s Day and Learn about the State of Canada’s Oceans

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On World Ocean’s Day, Oceana Canada is encouraging Canadians to celebrate but also take the time to truly learn about the state and potential of our oceans at all the events going on this week.

Few countries have histories as closely tied to the oceans as Canada and, with the world’s longest coastline, there is a great responsibility to be a leader in managing this vital resource.

Canada is one of the world’s major fishing nations, catching 1.1 million metric tonnes of fish each year and consistently ranking within the top 25 fish-producing countries in the world. Despite these high yields, Canadian fisheries are performing below their full potential.

We could be getting so much more from our oceans, and we have an obligation to our country, and the world, to manage our natural resources responsibly and provide a sustainable source of protein for a growing world.

The wonderful thing about most fish is their incredible ability to reproduce quickly, if managed properly.

Here are a few surprising facts about Canada’s oceans.

This World’s Oceans Day, share these shocking stats to show your support for revitalizing Canada’s oceans and join us on our mission to save the oceans and feed the world by becoming a Wavemaker



Drs. Julia K. Baum and Susanna D. Fuller. Canada’s Marine Fisheries: Status, Recovery Potential and Pathways to Success

Fisheries and Oceans Canada