Statement from Oceana Canada Regarding Plastic Industry Legal Challenge to Listing of Plastics on Canadian Environmental Protection Act’s List of Toxic Substances - Oceana Canada

Statement from Oceana Canada Regarding Plastic Industry Legal Challenge to Listing of Plastics on Canadian Environmental Protection Act’s List of Toxic Substances

Press Release Date: May 19, 2021

In reaction to today’s announcement that plastic industry is suing the federal government over the regulation of plastic under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), Oceana Canada released this statement from plastic campaigner Ashley Wallis:

“We are disappointed to see the plastic industry fighting this critical step in Canada’s efforts to end the plastic disaster. Declaring plastic Toxic under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act is warranted, welcomed and, frankly, long overdue.

Peer-reviewed science from around the world concludes that plastic kills wildlife and degrades ecosystems. The government’s own Science Assessment found that plastic is ubiquitous and harmful in the environment. According to the definition in the Act, plastic is Toxic.

Not only is this plastic industry pushback out of line with science it is also out of step with public opinion. An overwhelming 95 per cent of Canadians are concerned about the impact plastic has on our oceans and 86 per cent support a federal ban on unnecessary single-use plastics. Adding plastic to the List of Toxic Substances under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act gives the federal government the ability to eliminate harmful, unnecessary single-use plastics, set recycled content requirements to improve recycling outcomes, and enable Canada’s transition to a non-toxic, low carbon circular economy.

This legal challenge must not be allowed to delay much-needed federal action, such as the national ban on non-essential plastics, to address the plastic pollution crisis which, according to the UN, is the second most ominous threat to the global environment after climate change.”

To request an interview, please contact:

Tammy Thorne, Communications, Oceana Canada,, 437.247.0954