New North Atlantic Right Whale Population Estimate - Oceana Canada

New Population Estimate Finds North Atlantic Right Whales Still Swimming Along the Edge of Extinction 

Press Release Date: October 23, 2024

Media contacts: Oceana in the United States: Megan Jordan,, 202.868.4061 Oceana in Canada: Vaishali Dassani,, 647.294.3335  Angela Pinzon, Pilot PMR,, 647-295-0517

A new estimate from the North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium, released today and based on 2023 data, finds that the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale population remains at risk of extinction with only around 372 whales. Last year, the population estimate released, based on 2022 data, was around 356 North Atlantic right whales. In 2024 thus far, at least four North Atlantic right whales were killed by boat strikes and entanglement in fishing gear. Oceana is urgently calling on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and Transport Canada to increase protections to save these whales from extinction.
In response to the announcement, Oceana released the following statements:

“While an increase in population is hopeful, the North Atlantic right whales washing up dead on our shores speak for themselves – we must stop killing them. Five of this year’s calves were killed or are missing and presumed dead, including the first calf of the season who was struck by a boat and died a slow, painful, and preventable death. NOAA’s proposed vessel speed rule to update slow zones for ships would have protected these whales when they were at their most vulnerable, but this plan is gathering dust after more than 800 days. President Biden must approve and implement the updated vessel speed rule soon, before we see moms and calves on our shores this calving season instead of in our waters,” said Gib Brogan, campaign director at Oceana in the United States.

“Today’s news that the North Atlantic right population has increased slightly is positive, but the threats of vessel strikes and entanglement remain present. Right whales have faced a devastating year, with nine deaths and five entanglements; and those are just the ones we know about. More must and can be done to stop the two major threats to right whale’s survival – vessel strikes and entanglements in fishing gear. To ensure whales and fisheries can coexist in Canada, the government must implement ropeless fishing gear in high-risk areas. Additionally, all vessel slowdowns must be mandatory and be applied throughout the range where right whales are found to reduce ship strikes,” said Kim Elmslie, campaign director at Oceana Canada.


North Atlantic right whales were a frequent target of whalers as they were often found near shore, swim slowly, and tend to float when killed. They were aggressively hunted, and their population dropped from peak estimates of up to 21,000 to perhaps fewer than 100 by the 1920s. After whaling of North Atlantic right whales was banned in 1935, their population increased to as many as 483 individuals in 2010. Unfortunately, that progress has reversed.

Collisions with boats is a leading cause of North Atlantic right whale injury and death. They are slow, swimming around 6 miles (or 9.5 kilometres) per hour, usually near the water’s surface. They are also dark in color and lack a dorsal fin, making them very difficult to spot. Studies have found that the speed of a vessel is a major factor in vessel-related collisions with North Atlantic right whales. At high speeds, vessels cannot maneuver to avoid them, and they swim too slowly to be able to move out of the way. This puts them at great risk of being struck, which can cause deadly injuries from blunt-force trauma or cuts from propellers.

Entanglements in fishing gear used to catch lobster, crab, and other species is another leading cause of North Atlantic right whale deaths. Around one-quarter of the population is entangled in fishing gear from the U.S. and Canada each year, and about 85% have been entangled at least once. Ropes have been seen wrapped around their mouths, fins, tails, and bodies, which slow them down; make it difficult to swim, reproduce, and feed; and can cause death. The lines cut into the whales’ flesh, leading to life-threatening infections, and are so strong that they have severed fins and tails, and cut into bone.

A national poll of American voters conducted in 2024 found that an overwhelming majority support stronger protections for North Atlantic right whales. The poll found that 86% of American voters agree that North Atlantic right whales should be protected from human-caused threats to help prevent their extinction, and 83% agree that ocean activities that endanger North Atlantic right whales, like shipping, boating, and vertical-line fishing, should be adapted to protect them. Eight in ten respondents are in favor of the U.S. government making policy changes to save North Atlantic right whales from going extinct. Oceana’s poll, conducted by the nonpartisan polling company Ipsos using the probability-based KnowledgePanel®, surveyed 1,053 registered U.S. voters from June 28 to 30, 2024.

To learn more about Oceana’s binational campaign to save North Atlantic right whales, click here.

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