Daniel Skerritt - Oceana Canada

Daniel Skerritt

Senior Analyst, Science and Strategy

Oceana Staff

Daniel Skerritt

Daniel is a Senior Analyst in Oceana’s Science and Strategy team. He oversees and conducts strategic research, technical analysis and writing on a range of marine policy and fisheries sustainability issues. His primary role is to support the delivery of the Transparent Oceans Initiative, which aims to catalyze policy reform by exposing the scale, activities and impacts of industrial and distant-water fishing fleets.

Before joining Oceana in March 2022, Daniel spent more than ten years in private and academic sectors as a fisheries consultant and post-doctoral research fellow. He has conducted research and evaluation projects for various NGOs, government institutions, RFMOs and private organizations across the globe. His diverse research experience covers fisheries subsidies, international marine governance, socio-economic monitoring and evaluation, IUU fishing, fishers’ rights and beneficial ownership.

Daniel holds a BSc in Marine Biology, an MSc in International Marine and Environmental Consultancy and a PhD in Marine Ecosystems and Governance from Newcastle University, UK. Daniel currently lives in Vancouver, Canada, where much of his spare time is spent running on coastal and mountain trails or browsing the city’s record shops.