Pom-Pom Anemones - Oceana Canada

Corals & Other Invertebrates

Pom-Pom Anemones

Liponema brevicornis


Tentacle shedding anemone


Deep waters in the north east Pacific Ocean


Sandy, muddy, and gravel bottoms


Predator and scavenger


Class Anthozoa (corals, anemones & relatives), Order Actiniaria (true sea anemones)


Although most people associate pom-pom anemones to the likes of a pretty flower or puffy purple troll hair, this species’ appearance can range from fluffy to flat. They can either be fixed to a substrate – ranging from soft sands to hard rocks, and even whale skeletons – or unlike other anemones, unattached and tumbling across the seafloor propelled by the ocean currents. They are a deep-water species most commonly found in the north east Pacific Ocean, at depths from 100 to 1000 metres but have been recorded at depths of over 3000 metres! Pom-pom anemones are also known to occur near hydrothermal vents, cold seeps and whale falls. 

While on expedition in the Central Coast of British Columbia, we spotted a wall of pom-pom anemones at almost 400 metres deep!


Pom-pom anemones range from 25-30 centimetres in diameter at maturity. They have an oral disc covered in stinging tentacles, which they use to capture food such as plankton, small crustaceans and krill. At the base of each tentacle is a sphincter muscle which can be contracted to shed the tentacle if necessary, mostly in instances of escaping predators – hence their nickname “tentacle-shedding anemone”. They have been spotted in many different shapes and sizes, from full and fluffy to low and deflated and are typically light pinkish-purple in colour.