This Holiday Season, We’re Giving Thanks for the Oceans - Oceana Canada
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December 23, 2016

This Holiday Season, We’re Giving Thanks for the Oceans

Estimated reading time: 0 minutes


Close-up of wild sea otter (Enhydra lutris) resting, while floating on his back.


This holiday season, as you spend time with your loved ones giving thanks and making plans for the year to come, remember to give a shout-out to the oceans for all they do for us.  Across three coasts, Canada is deeply connected to the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific. This vast ocean territory is filled with diverse species like whales, sea turtles, coral and fish. Whether you live directly by the sea, eat seafood or care about the health of our planet, the oceans are important to all of us and protecting them is critical for our future. Find out more about Oceana Canada’s campaigns and show your support for healthy oceans.