Jack Daly - Oceana Canada

Jack Daly

Marine Scientist

Oceana Staff

Jack Daly

Jack is a Marine Scientist who is interested in holistic forms of governance for achieving equitable fisheries and oceans management. Jack focuses on the intersection between science, policy and society in his support of marine conservation.

Jack is from Rhode Island in the United States but has lived in Atlantic Canada since 2019. Following his studies Jack was a Nippon Foundation Ocean Nexus Affiliated Fellow for Memorial University where he researched the intersections of sustainable development, climate change and equity in Canada’s oceans policy. Jack has also worked as an Aquatic Science Biologist for Fisheries and Oceans Canada researching ecosystem-based management.

Prior to joining Oceana Canada, Jack worked for the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs Secretariat as a Policy Analyst where he worked to support and strengthen efforts on the conservation, protection and restoration of fish and fish habitat for First Nations in Atlantic Canada. Although Jack has worked on many issues affecting marine conservation, he is particularly passionate about climate change, fish habitat conservation and the viability of small-scale fisheries.

Jack holds a BSc in Marine Affairs (2017) from the University of Rhode Island and an MA in Geography (2019) from Memorial University of Newfoundland. Jack currently lives in Halifax and enjoys hiking and camping throughout the Maritimes.