Kim Elmslie - Oceana Canada

Kim Elmslie

Campaign Director

Oceana Staff

Kim Elmslie

Kim has spent more than 20 years advocating for policy change in the animal welfare and conservation sectors.

With extensive knowledge of policy and government relations, she has worked to amend the Criminal Code, the Migratory Birds Convention Act and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. At Oceana Canada, she has led campaigns that successfully amended the Fisheries Act to require rebuilding plans for depleted fish stocks and secured a ban on the import and export of shark fins.

As a member of an elite emergency relief team, Kim helped rescue, rehabilitate and release 20,000 endangered African penguins impacted by an oil spill off the coast of South Africa; assisted in the rescue of animals in the most flooded part of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina; rescued malnourished tigers from a private residence in New Jersey; worked to support and expand the capacity to rescue whales and porpoises trapped in fishing gear in the Bay of Fundy; participated as a member of the right whale recovery team and released orphaned black and grizzly bears back to the wild; and worked on an innovative program with First Nations in Quebec to end companion animal overpopulation.

Kim holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Guelph.