Robert Rangeley - Oceana Canada

Robert Rangeley

Director of Science

Oceana Staff

Bob was always one of those kids who couldn’t stay out of the woods and water. It started in and around ponds, rivers and the Great Lakes, but he soon discovered that the ocean had a greater tidal pull.

Bob received his Ph.D in marine biology from McGill University. He has brought to Oceana Canada decades of research experience, on and under the sea, and years of championing ocean conservation. Bob, with his team in Halifax, Nova Scotia, provides the science support for all of Oceana Canada’s campaigns, with a major focus on fisheries recovery and habitat protection. His responsibilities include fostering partnerships to explore and protect vitally important and vulnerable areas in Canada’s three oceans.

Bob joined Oceana Canada as Director of Science in July 2015. He was particularly drawn to the proven success of Oceana’s international campaigns, its new presence in Canada and the opportunity to focus his work exclusively on the protection and sustainable use of our threatened oceans.

Bob lives with his family just minutes from the Nova Scotia coast.