Federal budget confirms significant investment in oceans science, conservation and open data initiatives - Oceana Canada

Federal budget confirms significant investment in oceans science, conservation and open data initiatives

Press Release Date: March 22, 2016

Today’s federal budget commits $200 million over five years for better oceans and freshwater management, including increased investments in science and transparency. Oceana Canada applauds this much-needed move, and  has been calling for increased transparency in decision-making on the state of our ocean resources. The test now is for this funding to result in tangible improvements to the health of our oceans.

Less than 50 per cent of Canada’s fish populations are considered healthy; well below the levels of many other developed countries. In Canada, many species, such as cod and groundfish, still have not recovered  after serious overfishing in the 1980s and 1990s.

Oceana Canada, an independent charity dedicated to restoring oceans so that they are as rich, healthy and abundant as they once were, is affiliated with Oceana – the largest international organization focused solely on ocean conservation. Oceana Canada believes that we can save the oceans and feed the world, and is urging the federal government to rebuild Canada’s fisheries to harness the full potential of our marine resources and coastal communities.

In response to today’s announcement, Oceana Canada’s Executive Director, Josh Laughren, issued the following statement:

“Oceana Canada applauds today’s announcement, which reinforces the federal government’s commitment to protect the health of our fish stocks and ocean ecosystems and use scientific evidence to make transparent management decisions.  The stage is now set to rebuild Canada’s depleted fisheries and allow our oceans to become sustainable resources for future generations.

We could be getting so much more from our oceans, while strengthening our seafood industry, local economies, and improving environmental conditions. This investment makes that job easier. We look forward to continuing to work with Minister Tootoo and the department of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard to help make this happen.”


Oceana Canada, an independent charity established to restore Canadian oceans to be as rich, healthy and abundant as they once were, is proud to be affiliated with the international family of Oceana organizations.

Oceana is the largest international advocacy organization focused solely on ocean conservation. It  runs science-based campaigns and seek to win policy victories that can restore ocean biodiversity and ensure that the oceans are abundant and can feed hundreds of millions of people. Oceana victories have already helped to create policies that could increase fish populations in its countries by as much as 40 per cent and that have protected more than 2.5 million square miles of ocean. Oceana has campaign offices in the countries that control close to 40 per cent of the world’s wild fish catch, including in North, South and Central America, Asia, and Europe. To learn more, please visit www.oceana.ca.